Vehicle RTO Location

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Please enter the registration number in space-separated format like "DL 4C AG 3316".

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# Frequently Asked Questions

What does this application do? Please describe briefly.
Search registration number of any vehicle in India to track the Regional Transport Office (RTO). The vehicle numbers in India are formatted such that the first two alphabets denotes the state or union territory whereas the next two digits assigned to a RTO office in that state.
What is a vehicle registration number?

Every vehicle is uniquely identified by it's registration number. Let's say for example, if the registration number is "TS 9 BU 7415". The first two characters represent the state or union territory the vehicle was registered in. The second digit denotes the registration authority/district. Some districts have multiple registration authorities. Next two are the alphabetical series and the last four digits represents the numerical series usually in the order of applications. Some premium numbers like 9999, 0002 are auctioned or reserved for a premium sale. Yellow and Black number plates are for transport vehicles. Alphabetical characters TV, U, W, X, Y are reserved for transport vehicles, P is reserved for Police vehicles, Z is reserved for Government run buses.

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